Frajola World Covers

"Chicago" Collection of Waterway Markings

Offered by Richard Frajola (Table of Contents and Ordering Instructions)

River Steamers -
Ouachita River (and downstream to Mississippi River)

Ouachita Packet Princeton blue, cotton bale illustrated, fancy handstamp on folded letter dated February 26, 1848 from Beach Hills, Louisiana to New Orleans, letter mentions sending one bale of cotton and other goods,

(stock #L106, $3500)

Princeton red, ornamented boxed handstamp on January 10, 1849 folded letter relating to cargo from Union County, Arkansas to New Orleans, ex Jarrett

(stock #L150, $1750)

Steamer Latona red boxed handstamp, fancy script, on January 2, 1851 folded letter regarding cargo, including cotton, from New Orleans to Monroe, Louisiana

(stock #L143, $700)

Ouachita Packet New World, Len Moore, Master red ornamented oval handstamp on April 10, 1851 folded letter from Camden, Arkansas to New Orleans, entered the mails with "Way 11 Cents" handstamp and red New Orleans postmark

(stock #L196, $600)

Steamer Edna straight line handstamp on undated folded cover to Black River, Louisiana, manuscript endorsement to the steamer

(stock #L115, $1500)


Regular Ouachita Passenger Packet Steamer Dr. Buffington ornamented oval handstamp on cover to New Orleans, left sheet margin strip of three 1c blue (#9) with black "Way" cancels of New Orleans

(stock #L156, $8000)


N. Orleans & Ouachita Packet Lewis Whiteman blue oval handstamp on 3c red Nesbitt entire to New Orleans, entered mails with "Steam" handstamp and red New Orleans postmark

(stock #L147, $700)

Regular N.O. & Camden (Arkansas) Packet Welcome  blue oval handstamp on 3c pink 1864 issue entire to New Orleans

(stock #L151, $200)


Ouachia River Packet Mayflower  Nov 29 1869 double oval datestamp on 3c pink 1864 issue entire to New Orleans

(stock #L149, $300)

Steamer Garry Owen N. Bouchma, Master  bluish oval handstamp on 3c green 1870 issue entire from Trenton, Louisiana to New Orleans,

(stock #L154, $350)


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Richard Frajola (July 2012)